Wednesday 23 July 2008

Finale decision about my Advanced production product

I originally decided that I was going to do a satirical magazine for my advanced production, however after thinking about it in terms of the topics I would talk about I realised that i don't know enough about politics to create a satirical magazine successfully.

My final decision therefore is to produce a culinary magazine which will include the following; a front cover, a contents page, a feature article and an advert for a new food product. The magazine will have a humorous element, however it will also deal with the more serious political issue of the current state of peoples poor diets in Britian. The Magazine will attract the less nutritious conscious amongst us by being more down to earth and less pretentious then magazines such as Waitrose 'food' magazine or cook books from chefs such as Gorden Ramsey or Marco Pierre White.

The magazine will attract a wider demographic as the humour will make the magazine attractive to both men and woman and allow it to move away from the stereotypical food magazine which targets woman as the main cooks of the household.

A present example of how humour is used to attract both genders is the TV show 'Top Gear', a show about cars which has the connotations of being about stereotypical men. But by introducing humour and not being afraid of looking stupid, or not impressing women,they attract a female audience aswell.

The aim of my Magazine is to bring the fun back into cooking. Instead of focusing on making every dish perfect, readers will be encouraged to experiment and laugh at their mistakes.

Defining my target audience


women and men aged between 20-40
people who are interested in cooking and food
unhealthy people(fast food addicts)
people who cannot cook
young adults i.e people in university-with not much disposable income
young successful couples who like to throw dinner parties
people who want to eat a healthy diet


People who are afraid to cook
people that believe good food means expensive food
people with a sense of humour
people who live a fast paced lifestyle

The magazine will be a hybrid genre, because it encoperates a humorous element but also focuses on the importance of a healthy diet.

1 comment:

Eoin Meade said...

This is a really strong idea Holly and one that I sense builds on a particular interest of yours, which is always a wise way to go. I particularly like your idea to use humour - do you see this as a visual thing or something that will be present in the written copy? You should gather together some copies of the food mags you think are too 'serious' and tend too be aimed at women and bring them to school for the first week back. You could also do some research on the popularity of food magazines and how the market has emerged and grown over the last 10 years. Try to look at the link with Food programmes on TV and what it is that makes them so appealing to audiences. You could dig up some research on the gap between our consumption of such programmes, books and magazines and the our actual preparation of food. Any statistics you find on this could form a real justification for the publication of a magazine like you're propsing.