Monday 12 January 2009

Advanced prodcution log of progress

I have not posted anything on the blog for a while because i have been revising for my exams.However during this time i have been making progress on my magazine.I have now made the four pages of my magazine however, i have been making quite a lot of small but significant changes to the pages and am still working on improving them in terms of the colours used on the front cover and the layout of the recipe page.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Advanced production log of progress

I have not posted anything on my blog for a while because i have been busy sorting out my UCAS form. However, i have continued working on my actual magazine.Over the last couple of weeks i have been working on my Front cover and my egg advert. My front cover is very nealry finished but i still have to change the font coulours. This is because although i had used the colour on the rim of the tea pot to show continuity,the colour blends into the back ground too much and makes it really hard to read.
I have my last photoshop lesson tomorow in which i will find out how to put the text behinde the top of the image because, at the momment the text is obscuring the images and you cannot tell what it is.
I have also been working on my Egg Advert i have been neatning up the images of the chickens.I have also tryed to give the chickens facial expressions in order to show that they are sad and then happy.Originally the layout of the advert had the text like in a fairey story.My reason for this was that it was suposed to be like the NSPCC stories where the audience hear stories of these abbandonend animals and then empthaise with them(in my case the Aduience will buy the lyons eggs).
However in the actual advert i am having to come up with another phrase that conveys the message, but it fewer words .This is because adverts do not have that much text in them,and the audiance wont stop to read the text.They need to be drawn in predomenetly by the images. This means that i have chosen to represent cruelty through images e.g the use of a giant foot stamping on the chickens,this again adds huomour to the advert.In regards ot the text used on the advert I am still trying to find a way of getting the message across in fewer words.
I have also put a hay background on the advert which has connatations of farms and rural settings which makes the link between the chickens and there normal sourroundings.This also has connatations of summer,much like my hole magazine in terms of the colours used,it has a very fresh summury feel to it.I am pleased with both pages so far but i need to work more on the text on both pages because i dont think the colours look right.I will also need to include an image of the egg box on the advert.

Sunday 30 November 2008

Log of production

On my contents page i had an image of a bottle of ketchup to link to the feature article 'there will always be a place in my kitchen for ketchup'. However i have decided to get rid of this image because i already have images of sweet and unhealthy foods on the contents page. For example the meringue. Because the ethos of my magazine is about having fun with food but also being about eating healthily. I feel that the ketchup has connotations of McDonald's ,fast food and unhealthy diets. This would therefore portray the wrong message to the audience.
Therefore i will replace the image with an image of Spaghetti ,which also makes a link to another feature article of my magazine called 'Spaghetti is spurring you on'. Also it is a more healthy food.

Log of production

Last week i took more pictures to go on my contents page. I photographed the bread, the messy meringue and the image of the bottle of ketchup.This means that i now have all of my images ready to use.During this week i have also has another photoshop lesson, which was helpful because i have discovered a way of putting the masthead in the background of the image, because at the moment the top of the image is obstructed by the masthead, it looks slightly messy.I have not yet done work to the final lay out of the pages because, i have not had time.

Monday 24 November 2008

Sunday 23 November 2008

Log of production

This week i have been working on the final images i will be using. I have been improving them on photo shop for example i cut around the image of the chicken more neatly. I have also taken the image of the bread that will go on final contents page, to replace the internet image i have on my mock up at the moment.
I have also had my second school photo shop lesson which has been helpful because, i have used that time to work on the images. I am pleased with the images that i have taken for my magzine because they all convey the idea of not being too perfectionist about cooking,they potray a very home made style of cooking which is what my magzine is about. I will have to mess around with the image on photoshop to make it lighter.