Friday 27 June 2008

Advanced production initial decision

I have now decided that I will do a Magazine for my coursework. I am probably going to do a satirical Magazine, because it allows me to add humour to my work, which is something I enjoy. Therefore i will look at Magazines such as Private Eye to get some inspiration.

I have decided that I will produce the front cover, contents page, one advert and one feature article.

In terms of my research into my target audience I will give out Questionnaires to at least twenty
respondents, because it will allow me to clearly understand what appeals to the audience that I am trying to attract. I will use questionnaires as opposed to interviews because although interviews would also give me a full picture of what the readers would want,I do not have a very long time to do this project and transcribing each interview would be time consuming.

As part of my research I intend to show the respondents a range of front covers of Magazines and ask them to tell me what they like and dislike about them . I will be defining my target audience as the research progresses.

1 comment:

Eoin Meade said...

I like this idea Holly but I think it will be important to determine your target audience early on. You should do some research into the readership of Private Eye, Viz and The Onion (American satirical news site - to see if there's a readership that is being left out. Maybe your satirical mag could be a very independent one that initially would have a niche audience and very narrow distribution with the aim to grow through word of mouth etc. Look into the history of the mags above and see how they have grown.
Regarding the research methods. You wouldn't have to transcribe every single interview, just note down whatever is interesting. You could do a focus group - see Natasha's blog for the benefits of this.