Thursday 18 September 2008

Advanced prdocution graphs

graphs to show the results of my audience research Questionnaires

This graph defines my target audience for my food magazine as being young adults with 46%.

The results showed that 54% of respondents would prefer sweet food and 46% of respondents prefer savory foods. This shows my target audience would want to see more sweet recepies within the magazine this is why i have chosen to include the recipe for my chocolate cake .

This graph shows that 60% of respondents eat pre prepared foods and only 12% said that they eat pre prepared foods because its a cheaper option then healthy foods.This shows that my target Audience would benefit from my magazine because its all about good honest food which you can cook yourself.

This Graph showed that 60% of respondents said that yes they do read more cookery books and 40% said that they read more magazines the cookery books.

This graph shows that 100 % of respondents say that imagery of food on the front cover does inspire them to cook. This is important because it shows that in order for my target Audience to buy my magazine, i will include appealing imagery.The main image on my front cover will be my chocolate cake because it represents having fun with food and it will attract my audience who prefer sweet foods.

This graph shows that 54% of respondents said that the title of the magazine was an important factor when choosing a magazine and 46% of respondents said that it was not an important factor.

This graph shows that 62% of respondents said that GoodFood(holiday cooking) would inspire them to cook and only 8% of respondents said that Waitrose FOOD magazine and vie pratique Gourmand would inspire them to cook.This shows that the type of food Magazine that i will be producing will use borrow some of the conventions of GoodFood Magazine.

This graph shows that the 38% of respondents choose Good Food(holiday cooking) as their favorite front cover and only 8 % of respondents said that Waitrose Food magazine was their favorite front cover.

This graph shows that the respondents thought that GoodFood (Holiday Cooking) would be the magazine which represents cooking that they cook or aspire to cook. Also that the magazines that people would aspire least to use the recipes from are Delicious, Good Food (Fresh and Seasonal) and Vie Pratique Gourmand.

Advanced production -Audience research results

Qualitative results

I handed out my Questionnaire to 13 people.My results show that the demographic of my target audience are young adults aged between 25-30 .my results show that 7 out of 13 respondents never prepare meals at home, 4 respondents prepared a meal at home twice a week and 2 respondents never prepare or cook meals at home. I asked the question 'which type of food do you prefer?'7 respondents answered said they preferred sweet food and 4 respondents said they preferred savory.I aked the question 'Have you read the dummies guide series'? 8 people said yes and 5 respondents said no. Next i asked 'Do you think the humorous element helps to encourage people to eat healthily'?. 8 people said Yes and 5 people said No.For question 8 'Do you find the dummies guide easy to follow?' 4 respondents said yes and 9 respondents said No they do not find the recipies easy to follow. 7 of my respondents said they followed measurements in cookery books and 6 respondents said they did not.I asked the respondents weather they read cookery books more then magazines 7 of my respondents said they do and 6 0f them said that they do not. Then i asked weather they had read an A.A Gill restaurant review 5 people said yes and 7 people said No Lastly i asked respondents weather or not they have dinner parties 4 respondents said yes and 9 respondents said No.Question 14 asked 'Do you eat Prepared foods e.g takeaways? 9 Respondents said yes because they have no time,4 respondents said because there is no washing up required and 2 respondents said that pre packed foods were cheaper.

Front cover Quantatative results

I got my respodants to answer a serise of questions basedo on the front covers of 5 cookery magazines the results were Goodfood: (holiday cooking) presents cooking which 7 of the respodents would inspire them to cook, 3 respondents said delicious 1 respodent said Waitrose FOOD magazine and 1 respondent said Vie pratique gourmand. I then asked 'which magazine presents cooking which you cook or aspire to be able to cook?' 7 respondents answerd (Goodfood holiday cooking) 2 resondents answered waitose FOOD magazine 1 respndent for Delicious.1 respodent for goodfood(fresh and seasonal) and one respondent answered vie pratique Gourmand. Next i asked which magazine do you think is the most expensive? 6 resondents said delicious, 4 respndents said waitorse fOOD magazine 1 respndent said goodfood(holiday cooking) 1 respodent said vie pratique gourmand and no respodents ticked Goodfood (fresh and seasonal). For question 5 i asked which one they thought the least expensive 11 respondents said Vie pratique gourmand and one respondent answerd both editions of goodfood Magazine. I then asked which was the respondents favourite front cover 5 respondents said good goodfood(fresh and seasonal), 2 resondents answered goodfood(holiday cooking) 2 respondents answerd vie pratique gourmand 3 respodents said delicious and 1 respodent said waitorse FOOD magazine. question 7. 13 respondents said that imagery of food on the front cover would inspire them to cook.Question 9 asked 'which magazine respondents thought looked the most pretentious'?. 11 respondents said waitrose FOOD magazine and 2 respondents said delicious. 7 respodents said that the title was an important factor when choosing a cookery magazine and 5 respondents said no it was not an important factor.

Advanced production -Audiance research results

An Example of My Questionnaire

Front Cover Analysis Questionnaire

1 Which magazine do you think has the highest production values (e.g. glossy paper etc)?

2 Based on the front cover alone, which magazine would inspire you to cook?

3 Which magazine presents cooking which you cook/would aspire to cook?

4 Which magazine do you think is the most expensive?

5 Which magazine do you think is the least expensive?

6 Which is your favorite front cover?

7 Does imagery or food on the front cover inspire you too cook? Yes No

8 Do you buy a food magazine because it has well known chefs on it?




9 Which magazine looks most pretentious? Why?

Good Food (Fresh and Seasonal)

Vie Pratique Gourmand

Good Food (Holiday Cooking)

Waitrose FOOD magazine

10 Is the title an important factor when choosing a food magazine? Yes No

Magazine Questionnaire

1 How old are you? (Please circle the relevant age group)

18-24 25- 30 31-45 45+

2 What social economic group do you belong too?(Please circle the relevant group)

Student young adult middle aged over 50

3 What magazines do you read in your leisure time?

4 When do you prepare and cook meals at home? Every day twice a week


5 Which type of food do you prefer? Savoury sweet

6 Have you read the Dummies Guide series? Yes No

7 Do you think that the humorous element helps to encourage people to eat healthily? Yes No

8 Do you find the Dummies guide recipes easy to follow? Yes No

9 Do you find the cooking and food advice in the dummies guide helpful? Yes No

10 Do you follow measurements in cookery books? Yes No

11 Do you read cookery magazines more then cookery books? Yes No

12 Have you read the A.A Gill restaurant review? If yes, what did you think of it?

13 Do you organise dinner parties? Yes No

14 Do you eat pre-prepared food e.g. takeaways?

if yes why:

  • More convenient
  • no washing-up required
  • pre-packed foods are a cheaper option than buying healthy food