Sunday 30 November 2008

Log of production

On my contents page i had an image of a bottle of ketchup to link to the feature article 'there will always be a place in my kitchen for ketchup'. However i have decided to get rid of this image because i already have images of sweet and unhealthy foods on the contents page. For example the meringue. Because the ethos of my magazine is about having fun with food but also being about eating healthily. I feel that the ketchup has connotations of McDonald's ,fast food and unhealthy diets. This would therefore portray the wrong message to the audience.
Therefore i will replace the image with an image of Spaghetti ,which also makes a link to another feature article of my magazine called 'Spaghetti is spurring you on'. Also it is a more healthy food.

Log of production

Last week i took more pictures to go on my contents page. I photographed the bread, the messy meringue and the image of the bottle of ketchup.This means that i now have all of my images ready to use.During this week i have also has another photoshop lesson, which was helpful because i have discovered a way of putting the masthead in the background of the image, because at the moment the top of the image is obstructed by the masthead, it looks slightly messy.I have not yet done work to the final lay out of the pages because, i have not had time.

Monday 24 November 2008

Sunday 23 November 2008

Log of production

This week i have been working on the final images i will be using. I have been improving them on photo shop for example i cut around the image of the chicken more neatly. I have also taken the image of the bread that will go on final contents page, to replace the internet image i have on my mock up at the moment.
I have also had my second school photo shop lesson which has been helpful because, i have used that time to work on the images. I am pleased with the images that i have taken for my magzine because they all convey the idea of not being too perfectionist about cooking,they potray a very home made style of cooking which is what my magzine is about. I will have to mess around with the image on photoshop to make it lighter.

Sunday 16 November 2008

Second Mock up of Magazine

I have changed the background to white,however there is still to much text used.There is a second page to this advert but i have not been able to load it on to the blog.Again i will change the background colour because it looks too bland and does not help to catch the audiences eye.
This is the ingredients page for the chocolate cake. The changes i have made to this are that, i have made the background white, as opposed to the pink back ground i had before. Although the pink suggested fun,most contents pages do not have a bold block colour as the background to their contents page. Also i do not have a strong enough reason to break the conventions.I have made the font colour of the of the serving suggestions a darker brown. This is in the same font used for the titles of the sections. I have changed the Layout of the serving suggestions to make it look like an after thought written on by the chef,written in messy continuous prose. This again portrays the less pretentious attitude portrayed through my magazine.I have also changed the after thought about the icing to the same coulour as the masthead because again it keeps the continuity.The tag line has also been changed to a blue font to show continuity of coulours through out.

This is the second version of the contents page,this still does not have the real images on. This is because for the moment, i am focusing on the layout of the page and putting in place the features of a contents page as opposed to making to putting the correct images on and making them fit the page.This is because at the moment it does not really look like a contents page. I have also added more features of my magazine onto the contents page, e:g more recipes and feature articles that would appear in my magazine.I have changed the layout of the contents, so that the magazines contents is divided up into sub headings .This makes it easier for the audience to locate what they want in the magazine. This is a generic feature of any magazine.I have kept the font for the title of the ingredients page, the same as the font used for the original masthead and the original contents page. This is because it has connotations of being simple but elegant.Much like the food in my magazine.I have continued the element of humour by, using the tag line like the serving suggestions on a food Product 'Best read hot' and the phrase at the bottom of the contents page like a warning label on bottles.'warning may contain words'

This is the second mock up of the front cover with the my own image that i will be using.This has therefore set the colour pallet for my Magazine.i have also changed the font and colour for the Masthead because it is more in keeping with the colours used through out the magazine so it creates a sense of continuity through out.

Monday 10 November 2008

Advanced production :first mock up of pages of magazine

This is the first ingredients page contents page) for the magazine. I am pleased with the font for 'Ingredients' because it matches the font used for the mast head on the front cover.I have used lots of literary devices for the titles of articles and the recipes that the magazine will list.I have also used the bright blue background to reinforce the element of fun throughout the magazine.These images are not the real images that i will be using but they represent the idea.

This is the first recipe page that i did i chose the fuchsia pink back ground colour because it is a vibrant colour which represents having fun with food.The font for 'Chocolaty goodness' and 'serving the cake' works well because it is almost as though the letters have been piped in with a piping bag as you would on a chocolate cake. the choice of font for the 'TOP SECRET' works well because it has connotations of being exactly that. The 'Serving suggestions' work well because it targets both people who are in denial about their healthiness, and people who see chocolate cake as something to be treasured. The tag line also represents the humorous side of my target audience.
This is the first mock up of the egg advert,the idea is that it is suppose to be like an advert for the NSPCC,whereby it tells the story of the deprived chickens who have lead such an awful life and desperately need the help of the customers, and that by using the fairy story type layout for the text the and the picture of the sad and happy chickens the audience are suppose to empathize with the chickens and buy Lyons eggs. The background colour is suppose to have connotations of hay and being on a farm.However it is suppose to be lighter then that but, it would not print out like that.

This is the first mock up the Front cover of my magazine ,which i produced on power point. However,this is not the real image i will be using. Therefore it does not reflect the colour scheme and feel of my magazine. This was just done as an experiment to test out the different fonts i could use and, the way I might lay out the Font cover.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Log of progress

After showing my ingredients page to my teacher he has suggested that i should look at lifestyle magazines to look at how they lay out their pages. He has also said that i need to vary the size of images used.For example give the largest image on the page to the most important feature article of the magazine, represented on the contents page.This is so that it draws the readers in.This is also important because ,there is a lot of blank space on the page at the moment which needs to be filled up.Because my magazine is weakly, in order to keep my readership, as well as serving its purpose,the magazine will have to be good value for money and blank spaces represent the idea that you are paying more for what you actually get.

Monday 3 November 2008

Advanced production log of work

During the half term i did another version of my mock up, i worked on all four pages of my magazine. Looking at the advice that my teacher had given to me about the lay out of the pages in magazines.Lat week i worked on my front cover again because i had to change the text because it was to small.this presented a problem because i did the front cover on photoshop and saved it as a j.peg in order to bring it into school.
However this meant that i could not change what i had originally done so i had to go back into photoshop and change it. I also had a few problems when it came to printing it out because because it cut the top of the masthead and release date re doing the mock up and using the real image for my front cover it allowed me to see that the image effects the hole feel of the magazine. I am happy with the front cover because it conveys the idea of being a bit quirky and having fun with food which is the basis of my magazine.

I also worked on my contents page(ingredients) I changed the lay out of my page and the font size. but i have not yet taken the real images that that will go on the contents page.

i also worked on my Egg advert,i have changed the lay out of the advert so that it is on a double spread because i wanted to make the image of the chicken sitting on the egg larger. i have also changed the back ground colour to white because because you don't see many adverts with a full background of color. also, by making the background colour white the images stand out more. As i did not do the mock up of the advert on photoshop, but powerpoint i was trying to find a way of blending the phtoshoped images, with the background on powerpoint.I did this by using the blend tool on the tool bar.This hides the boxses that are around the images,this means that they now look part of the advert as oppsed to being added on. I also need to cut out the images of the chickens more neatly on photopshop for the final copy.

I have also worked on my Recepie page i have chaned the background colour from pink to white because the bright pink is to strong that it detracts from the focus of the page which is the image of the choclate cake. i have also changed the font used for the section about serving suggestions to a small dark brown font(bush script std) undermeath the recepi to protray the idea that its an after thought.I also changed the coluor of the tag line to match the coulr of the plate which the cakes sit on.