Sunday 16 November 2008

Second Mock up of Magazine

I have changed the background to white,however there is still to much text used.There is a second page to this advert but i have not been able to load it on to the blog.Again i will change the background colour because it looks too bland and does not help to catch the audiences eye.
This is the ingredients page for the chocolate cake. The changes i have made to this are that, i have made the background white, as opposed to the pink back ground i had before. Although the pink suggested fun,most contents pages do not have a bold block colour as the background to their contents page. Also i do not have a strong enough reason to break the conventions.I have made the font colour of the of the serving suggestions a darker brown. This is in the same font used for the titles of the sections. I have changed the Layout of the serving suggestions to make it look like an after thought written on by the chef,written in messy continuous prose. This again portrays the less pretentious attitude portrayed through my magazine.I have also changed the after thought about the icing to the same coulour as the masthead because again it keeps the continuity.The tag line has also been changed to a blue font to show continuity of coulours through out.

This is the second version of the contents page,this still does not have the real images on. This is because for the moment, i am focusing on the layout of the page and putting in place the features of a contents page as opposed to making to putting the correct images on and making them fit the page.This is because at the moment it does not really look like a contents page. I have also added more features of my magazine onto the contents page, e:g more recipes and feature articles that would appear in my magazine.I have changed the layout of the contents, so that the magazines contents is divided up into sub headings .This makes it easier for the audience to locate what they want in the magazine. This is a generic feature of any magazine.I have kept the font for the title of the ingredients page, the same as the font used for the original masthead and the original contents page. This is because it has connotations of being simple but elegant.Much like the food in my magazine.I have continued the element of humour by, using the tag line like the serving suggestions on a food Product 'Best read hot' and the phrase at the bottom of the contents page like a warning label on bottles.'warning may contain words'

This is the second mock up of the front cover with the my own image that i will be using.This has therefore set the colour pallet for my Magazine.i have also changed the font and colour for the Masthead because it is more in keeping with the colours used through out the magazine so it creates a sense of continuity through out.

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